Auto Refresh Back, Customize and more!

Auto Refresh is back

The visualiser can now connect to Twich via Websocket. It will passively read chat and time the updates to when the betting phase starts and end. The manual refresh button is still here "just in case". Now that the visualiser is connected to Twitch this opens the door for possible new features.


A new menu is now accesible via the dropdown right under the refresh button. This menu let you change visual aspects of the visualiser such as the background image, text color and more! New customization options will be added in next updates.


Added a slider for the Item/Object/Move description menu in order to be able to display long descriptions

Fixed a bug where Muscle Band and Wise Glasses boost would not be taken into account

Files Play in browser
Aug 30, 2020 26 MB
Aug 30, 2020

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