Variable Moves Update

Moves with fixed damage now works

Moves with damage based on level now works

Moves with power based on weight now works

Moves with power based on happiness now works

Moves with power based on health assumes both attacker and target have max hp

Moves with power and/or type based on item assumes the pokemons are holding the item they started with

Moves with random power (present, magnitude) assumes the worst possible outcome for min roll and best possible outcome for max roll

Moves with power based on speed assumes the pokemons have the speed they started with (currently does not take items into account, but is planned to)

Beat Up assumes that all pokemons are alive (30 power in single, 40 power in doubles)

Spit Up assumes 1 and only 1 Stockpile was used (100 power)

Trump card assumes it has 4+ pp (40 power)

Punishment assumes no one has a stat boost (60 power)

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Aug 27, 2020 25 MB
Aug 27, 2020

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